Julia, you are a stunning raven beauty! And those eyes! Your positive energy, darling personality and vibrant spirit will carry you wherever your heart leads. I just adored everything about you. All I can say is wow!
Julia, you are a stunning raven beauty! And those eyes! Your positive energy, darling personality and vibrant spirit will carry you wherever your heart leads. I just adored everything about you. All I can say is wow!
Our photography studio is based out of Minnetonka, Minnesota. We love to travel to Minneapolis and around the western suburbs!
What a joy it is to photograph three generations ❤️❤️❤️
#shariflemingphotography #familyportrait #minneapolisfamilyphotographer #minnetonkafamilyphotographer
Love the love that these 5 share! 🤍
#shariflemingphotography #familyportrait #minneapolisfamilyphotographer #minnetonkafamilyphotographer
The Beautiful Cardwell Family!
#shariflemingphotography #familyportrait #minneapolisfamilyphotographer #minnetonkafamilyphotographer
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