Those eyes! You are insanely gorgeous, Josie! Not to mention, lovely, natural and humble. I wish you the best of luck playing lacrosse at Kent and hope your senior year is amazing!
Those eyes! You are insanely gorgeous, Josie! Not to mention, lovely, natural and humble. I wish you the best of luck playing lacrosse at Kent and hope your senior year is amazing!
Our photography studio is based out of Minnetonka, Minnesota. We love to travel to Minneapolis and around the western suburbs!
What a joy it is to photograph three generations ❤️❤️❤️
#shariflemingphotography #familyportrait #minneapolisfamilyphotographer #minnetonkafamilyphotographer
Love the love that these 5 share! 🤍
#shariflemingphotography #familyportrait #minneapolisfamilyphotographer #minnetonkafamilyphotographer
The Beautiful Cardwell Family!
#shariflemingphotography #familyportrait #minneapolisfamilyphotographer #minnetonkafamilyphotographer
© 2025 Shari Fleming Photography|ProPhoto Site|La Lune Creative